CD Vaal-BR20

Technical Data :
- Description
- Specification
- Dimensions
- Important feature
- Significant Feature
The CD Vaal-BR20 is a battle rifle with complete collapsible design where the butt stock, grip and barrel are flip and foldable, that reduces the rifle length to 1/3 when collapsed, The rifle has 2 reciprocating, 4 non-reciprocating charging handle and 1 convertible pump action charging handle the operator can swap between these 7 options on their convenient in the field. The CD Vaal-BR20 is equipped with 4 stage adjustable grip where the last stage will be packing and transport position, the grip design is also swappable in the field by the operator. Another futuristic design is the easy accessible mag ejection button and auto ejection of magazine. The Magazine release button attached to the trigger guard and accessible to the point finger, when the mag release is pushed, the magazine will be auto ejected, as the magazine is under the spring tension. The butt stock is foldable and has adjustable cheek-rest, the shoulder pad is made with soft touch synthetic material, which makes the operator feel comfort when firing the rifle in full auto mode
The CD Vaal-BR20 has improved performance, the recoil of the rifle is very negligible, hence the accuracy is very high, The rifle is manufactured with 70% Reinforced Carbon Fiber, 20% Aluminum, and 10% SS, so the weight of the rifle extremely light.
Note: The product is under Patent pending
Caliber: 7.62x51mm
Firing Mode: Semi-automatic(Single shot) and Full automatic
Barrel Length: 508 mm (20")
Weight (Empty Mag): 3.8 kg
Effective Range: 850 m
Maximum effective range: 1100 m
Muzzle Energy: 3560J
Muzzle Velocity: 754 m/s
Magazine Capacity: 30 Round
Pitch/Groove/Rifling: 1 turn in 12”, 4 Grooves right hand
Overall Length: 1048 mm
Butt-stock Extended Length: 1155 mm
Rifle Width: 55 mm
Rifle Height (magazine bottom to 12 o’clock rails) :235 mm
Rifle Height (magazine bottom to Cheek pad expanded) : 290 mm
Pack & Transport dimension / Collapsed :
Collapsed Length: 298 mm,
Overall Collapsed length with barrel : 553, (in 553 mm, 255 mm of barrel will be sticking out)
Collapsed Height: 182 mm
Collapsed Width : 55 mm + 40 mm (Folded Butt-stock)
Collapse Type: Flip barrel assembly, Foldable butt-stock, Foldable Grip
Barrel Material:
Special purpose Type-1: Reinforced Carbon fiber and Stainless steel (lightweight barrel).
General purpose Type-2: Stainless steel.
Sight/ Scope:Attached Collapsible Iron sight.
Sight rail/Base:Long two-piece top rail allows in-line mounting of scope, night visions, thermal visions, laser and more. 3 Detachable and field mountable rails at 3, 6 and 9 o’clock positions.
Stock info: Foldable and expandable stock with 6 adjustable positions (Length), has cheek rest with adjustable height.
Stock build: Reinforced Carbon fiber.
Stock rest design: Soft synthetic cushion.
Grip: 4 Stage adjustable grip (3 Firing positions and 1 packing position).
Feed charging type: 6 Charging handle provisions: 4 Non-reciprocating provisions, 2 Reciprocating provisions, Pump action convertible design. The operator can choose between these 7 type as their convinent.
Dual Side Ejection Port: CD Vaal-BR20 has a dual side ejection port, and the operator can swap between right or left in the field just by tightening a screw.
CD Vaal-BR20 has a launcher in it, that can launch grenade or a grappling hook (With string attached), an external part is to be fixed in the barrel in order to fire the Grenade or Grappling hook Blank rounds are used to fire the foreign objects.
Grappling hook is a device that has 3 Claws, and a long tactical string is attached to the end of the hook, the rifle can launch the hook from 400 m to 1000 m depends on the type of blank round used to fire the projectile., The hook can be used to climb a tree or a building as quick as a flash, Here we introduce our new product “BATTERY OPERATED TACTICAL ROPE ASCENDER” which weights 5 to 8 kg that can lift up to 350 kg to 650 kg at the rate of 6 - 10 FPM. (Visit Store for more information about the Rope Ascender)
One more important use of this feature is a Hand Grenade can be launched using this rifle, the operator can insert the grenade and then pull the safety pin and fire the grenade.
Apart from grappling hook and Grenade, any other foreign objects can be launcher with this launcher, like a golf ball, plastic can or anything of the can size.